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- Create Date 12th December 2024
- Last Updated 5th January 2025
Online Order Tracking System - ASP.NET Core SignalR
- OrderUpdates.razor: This Blazor component handles the real-time display of orders with their status and last updated timestamps. It uses JavaScript interop to receive updates via SignalR and dynamically updates the UI.
- SignalR Client Script: Establishes a connection with the SignalR hub and listens for updates. Upon receiving data, it triggers a custom JavaScript event to notify the Blazor component.
- Sample Data: Demonstrates the format of order updates received from the server. These updates are processed and displayed in the Blazor component.
The project combines ASP.NET Core SignalR for real-time communication and Blazor for seamless and interactive front-end updates.
To learn more and follow a step-by-step guide on building a real-time notification system, visit Real-Time Event Notification System Using ASP.NET Core.